Make Chimichurri, Garlic & Herb Grilled Oysters November 22, 2020Sarah Xiao Temps are dropping, but we're not putting the grill away this year. We're planning on grilling through the Fall and Winter so that we can continue to enjoy the company of...
THE SLIPWAY CRAB ROLL November 10, 2020Sarah Xiao Quick, easy, simple recipe adapted from Bon Appetit detailing the Slipway of Thomaston, ME's crab roll. Use our Harbor Fish Fresh Frozen Lump Crab! INGREDIENTS 8 oz (one tub) of...
Seared Scallops & Grapefruit Fennel Salad by Erin French of the Lost Kitchen November 10, 2020Glidden Point Company We've been lucky enough to collaborate with Erin French of the renowned Lost Kitchen in Freedom, ME. Try this recipe with Red's Best Dayboat Scallops. “Whereas raw scallops are sexy,...
OYSTER LIQUOR: HURRICANE BOB RECIPE November 10, 2020Sarah Xiao Installation number two in collaboration series, OYSTER LIQUOR with Trashbird Bar Company. HURRICANE BOB Our constant desire to pair sherry and oysters, our love of Maine beer, and our futile...
OYSTER LIQUOR: A COLLABORATION WITH TRASHBIRD BAR COMPANY October 27, 2020Sarah Xiao Trashbird is a trio of Portland bartenders who are committed to reducing waste in the hospitality industry. As an anti-waste business, the members of Trashbird love the lower carbon footprint...
Grillin' Season May 04, 2020Glidden Point Company Grilling season is upon us! Take your shellfish game to the next level by mastering the art of the grill. We'll give you a few tips and point you towards...